Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bony Faces

Well all of the new stuff I am working on now probably won't be in any state to show for a while, so I shall post some older projects.

Today we talk about "Bony Face" Nelson. A gangster, a criminal.

I've been working on this little guy for quite some time. He was developed for a class, where the task was merely to "create a character". So I did some sketches....
...eventually getting to this feisty midget kind of guy. So that was all fun for a while, but I didn't really know who he was. I think I'm just beginning to figure this out now. He is basically a jerk. He feels the need to overcompensate for his small stature. Observe:

Smacking radios for no good reason! Despite his faults, I like him. He is still a fun guy when he isn't being a jerk maximum. I like him so much that I am putting him in my senior film along with Remus (I'll show him off later). However, since before I made him with no real purpose, it is likely that his new design will change to better fit the tone and aesthetic of the film. Only then will he achieve his final form. But until then, this is what he looks like